Memorandum Regarding Motion to Disqualify
2c. S189476 - Memorandum Regarding Motion to Disqualify - 01-04-11.pdf
Filed on January 04, 2011
Concurrence to the Certification Order and Per Curiam Opinion
2b. S189476 - Concurrence to the Certification Order and Per Curiam Opinion - 01-04-11.pdf
Filed on January 04, 2011
2a. S189476 - Opinion - 01-04-11.pdf
Filed on January 04, 2011
Ordering Certifying a Question to the Supreme Court of California
1. S189476 - Ordering Certifying a Question to the Supreme Court of California - 01-04-11.pdf
Filed on January 04, 2011
S189476 - PERRY v. BROWN
Hearing Date: September 06, 2011 to September 07, 2011