Amicus Curiae Brief of California Faith for Equality et al.
21. S189476 - Amicus Curiae Brief of CA Faith for Equality et al. - 05-06-11.pdf
Filed on May 06, 2011
Amicus Curiae Brief of League of Women Voters of California
20. S189476 - Amicus Curiae Brief of League of Women Voters of CA - 05-06-11.pdf
Filed on May 06, 2011
Amicus Curiae Brief of Pacific Legal Foundation et al.
19. S189476 - Amicus Curiae Brief of Pacific Legal Foundation et al. - 05-06-11.pdf
Filed on May 06, 2011
Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General Kamala D. Harris
18. S189476 - Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General Kamala D. Harris - 05-02-11.pdf
Filed on May 02, 2011
Appellants, Hollingsworth, Knight, Gutierrez, Jansson, and ProtectMarriage.com, Reply Brief on the Merits
17. S189476 - Appellants, Hollingsworth, Knight, Gutierrez, Jansson, and ProtectMarriage.com, Reply Brief on the Merits - 04-19-11.pdf
Filed on April 19, 2011
Letter from Christine Van Aken
16. S189476 - Letter from Christine Van Aken - 04-18-11.pdf
Filed on April 18, 2011
Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Request for Judicial Notice
15. S189476 - Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Request for Judicial Notice - 04-05-11.pdf
Filed on April 05, 2011
Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Appendix to Answer Brief on the Merits
14. S189476 - Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Appendix to Answer Brief on the Merits - 04-05-11.pdf
Filed on April 05, 2011
Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Answer Brief on the Merits
13. S189476 - Respondent, City and County of San Francisco, Answer Brief on the Merits - 04-05-11.pdf
Filed on April 05, 2011
Respondents, Perry, Stier, Katami, and Zarrillo, Answer Brief on the Merits
12. S189476 - Respondents, Perry, Stier, Katami, and Zarrillo, Answer Brief on the Merits - 04-04-11.pdf
Filed on April 04, 2011
S189476 - PERRY v. BROWN
Hearing Date: September 06, 2011 to September 07, 2011