Respondents, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Department of Personnel Administration, Combined Brief in Response to: (1) Opening Brief on the Merits of Appellants Professional Engineers in California Government and California Association of Professional Scientists and (2) Opening Brief on the Merits of Appellant, State Controller John Chiang
10. Respondents' Combined Brief in Response to ... filed 10-19-09.pdf
Filed on October 19, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Opening Brief on the Merits
9. Appellant State Controller's Opening Brief filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellants, Professional Engineers in California Government and California Association of Professional Scientists, Opening Brief on the Merits
8. Appellants, PECG & CAPS, Opening Brief filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Joint Appendix Volume IV of IV [Pages 679 through 814]
7. Joint Appendix - Vol. IV of IV - pages 679 - 814 - filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Joint Appendix Volume III of IV [Pages 476 through 678]
6. Joint Appendix - Vol. III of IV - pages 476 - 678 - filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Joint Appendix Volume II of IV [Pages 222 through 475]
5. Joint Appendix - Vol. II of IV - pages 222 - 475 - filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Joint Appendix Volume I of IV [Pages 1 through 221]
4. Joint Appendix - Vol. I of IV - pages 1 - 221 - filed 09-01-09.pdf
Filed on September 01, 2009
Appellant, State Controller John Chiang, Request for Judicial Notice; Declaration of Jeffrey Ball
3. Appellant State Controller - Declaration of Jeffrey Ball - filed 07-21-09.pdf
Filed on July 21, 2009
Respondents, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State of California and Department of Personnel Administration, Opposition to Petition for Writ of Supersedeas or Other Appropriate Stay Order; Request for Immediate Stay
2. Opposition to Petition for Writ - 02-20-09.pdf
Filed on February 20, 2009
Appellant, California Association of Professional Scientists, Petition for Writ of Supersedeas or Other Appropriate Stay Order; Request for Immediate Stay
1. CAPS Petition for Writ - 02-05-09.pdf
Filed on February 05, 2009
Hearing Date: September 07, 2010 to September 08, 2010