Oral Argument Document
Amicus Curiae Brief of W. David Ball, Barton Child Law and Policy Center, Paul Bennett, Leo Beletsky, Taleed El-Sabawi,
Media: Files
Amicus Curiae Brief of W. David Ball, Barton Child Law and Policy Center, Paul Bennett, Leo Beletsky, Taleed El-Sabawi,7-510-s274943-ac-w-david-ball-et-al-040723.pdf
Verbose Title
Amicus Curiae Brief of W. David Ball, Barton Child Law and Policy Center, Paul Bennett, Leo Beletsky, Taleed El-Sabawi, Matthew I. Fraidin, Stephanie K. Glaberson, Cynthia Godsoe, Crystal Grant, Josh Gupta-Kagan, Julia Hernandez, Alex Kriet, Sarah Lorr, Laura Matthews-Jolly, Jennifer D. Oliva, Dorothy Roberts, Shanta Trivedi, and Vivek SankaranFiling Date
Friday April 7, 2023Case
S274943 - IN RE N.R.Wednesday October 4, 2023