Oral Argument Document
Amicus Curiae Brief of National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center, Cato Institute, California Farm Bureau Federation, California Fresh Fruit Association, Western Growers Association, and Ventura County Agricultural Association
Media: Files
Amicus Curiae Brief of National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center, Cato Institute, California Farm Bureau Federation, California Fresh Fruit Association, Western Growers Association, and Ventura County Agricultural Associ15-s227243-ac-national-fed-independent-bus-small-bus-leg-ctr-et-al-052316.pdf
Filing Date
Monday May 23, 2016Case
S227243 - GERAWAN FARMING v. AGRICULTURAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (UNITED FARM WORKERS OF AMERICA)Tuesday September 5, 2017 to Wednesday September 6, 2017