Respondent's Answer to Supplemental Brief
14. S176099 Respondent's Answer to Supplemental Brief 042911.pdf
Filed on April 29, 2011
Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Supplemental Brief
13. S176099 Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Supplemental Brief 042511.pdf
Filed on April 25, 2011
Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Supplemental Brief
12. S176099 Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Supplemental Brief 123010.pdf
Filed on December 30, 2010
Respondent's Supplemental Brief
11. S176099 Respondent's Supplemental Brief 121010.pdf
Filed on December 10, 2010
Appellant, City of Los Angeles, Reply Brief on the Merits
10. S176099 Appellant, City of Los Angeles, Reply Brief on the Merits 032610.pdf
Filed on March 26, 2010
Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Reply Brief on the Merits
9. S176099 Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Reply Brief on the Merits 031910.pdf
Filed on March 19, 2010
Respondent's Answer Brief on the Merits
8. S176099 Respondent's Answer Brief on the Merits 022510.pdf
Filed on February 25, 2010
Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Opening Brief on the Merits
7. S176099 Appellant, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, Opening Brief on the Merits 121009.pdf
Filed on December 10, 2009
Appellant, City of Los Angeles, Opening Brief on the Merits
6. S176099 Appellant, City of Los Angeles, Opening Brief on the Merits 120909.pdf
Filed on December 09, 2009
Appellant, Los Angeles Allliance for a New Economy, Reply to Answer to Petition for Review
5. S176099 Appellant, Los Angeles Allliance for a New Economy, Reply to Answer to Petition for Review 100809.pdf
Filed on October 08, 2009
Hearing Date: May 03, 2011 to May 05, 2011
(Grimes, J., assigned justice pro tempore)