Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Reply Brief on the Merits
7. S166402 Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Reply Brief on the Merits 052709.pdf
Filed on May 27, 2009
Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Reply Brief on the Merits
6. S166402 Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Reply Brief on the Merits 052709.pdf
Filed on May 27, 2009
Respondent's Answer Brief on the Merits
5. S166402 Respondent's Answer Brief on the Merits 050409.pdf
Filed on May 04, 2009
Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Opening Brief on the Merits
4. S166402 Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Opening Brief on the Merits 020309.pdf
Filed on February 03, 2009
Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Opening Brief on the Merits
3. S166402 Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Opening Brief on the Merits 012109.pdf
Filed on January 21, 2009
Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Petition for Review
2. S166402 Appellant, Michael Jerome Sutton, Petition for Review 090808.pdf
Filed on September 08, 2008
Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Petition for Review
1. S166402 Appellant, Willie J. Jackson, Petition for Review 090308.pdf
Filed on September 03, 2008
S166402 - PEOPLE v. SUTTON
Hearing Date: March 02, 2010 to March 03, 2010